Inspirados por um projeto fotográfico de Atlanta super fofo, foram amarradas duas câmeras decartáveis a dois bancos em Nova Iorque (um em Manhattan e outro no Brooklyn) com a seguinte nota: "Good afternoon! I attached this camera to the bench so you could take pictures. Seriously. So have fun. I'll be back later this evening to pick it up."
No fim do dia as câmeras estavam lá e os filmes cheios de fotos lindas!
O feitio Novaiorquino é da Joanna.
Quero fazer aqui. Será que funciona? =/
sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009
domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2009
is urban loneliness a myth? (ny mag.)
“Serendipitous encounters between people who know each other well, sort of well, and not at all. People of every type, and with every type of agenda, trying to meet up with others who share that same agenda. An environment that’s alive at all hours, populated by all types, and is, most of the time, pretty safe. What he was saying, really, was that New York had become the Web. Or perhaps more, even: that New York was the Web before the Web was the Web, characterized by the same free-flowing interaction, 24/7 rhythms, subgroups, and demimondes.”
quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009
i <3 ny + than i <3 u
quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009
where would you wish to wake up tomorrow?
Fifty People
One Question. - Brooklyn
e a música é das minhas meninas preferidas do Brooklyn: Au Revoir Simone.
One Question. - Brooklyn
e a música é das minhas meninas preferidas do Brooklyn: Au Revoir Simone.
quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009
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